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Manoeuvring and Inspection Vehicle simulation


The objective of the Manoevring and Inspection Vehicle (MIV) simulation is to test the rendez-vous of the Manoeuvring and Inspection Vehicle with an uncooperative target with optical means. The feasibility and early design for the Manoeuvring and Inspection Vehicle has been investigated using this simulation that contains a very realistic real time image generation system and image recognition algorithms.


The Manoeuvring and Inspection Vehicle project is part of an ESA R&D Programme and performed by Airbus Defense and Space Netherlands for Alenia Spazio Turin.

Role of EuroSim

To provide support to the feasibility and early design for the Manoeuvring and Inspection Vehicle, Airbus Defence and Space Netherlands has developed a real-time simulator based on EuroSim. The MIV simulator executes on a Silicon Graphics computer, and uses the EuroSim Image Generation System for image generation system (IGS) for the optical image generation and analysis.

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