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About Eurosim

EuroSim is a configurable simulator tool used to support all phases of space and non-space programs through real-time simulations with a person and/or hardware-in-the-loop, and allowing re-use of existing model software where available.

The design concept is based on the principle that every simulator can easily be broken down into an invariant tool part and a part that is specific to the subject being simulated. By means of careful design of the tool component, this can be used for both small and large simulators. EuroSim helps to reduce the costs associated with simulation and allows simulation activities to be used more extensively and earlier in a program:
Space Project Life Cycle

"One simulator throughout your project life-cycle"

EuroSim offers an open system architecture which:
  • enhances portability of model software
  • manages the complete simulation model, including its configuration control
  • makes simulation model code run real-time without modification
  • provides scalability through easy code parallellisation and network distribution
  • allows easy integration with existing applications or COTS tools
  • facilitates incremental replacement of software models by their corresponding hardware elements
  • supports several 3rd-party products as an option, for example the link with MATLAB through the Mosaic model convertor

EuroSim is being used by our customers as the basis for several space and non-space applications. True to its origins, the widest range of EuroSim applications is found in ESA projects, but a number of other applications exists as well.

We also apply EuroSim in-house extensively to support our activities as a System Architect in the development of simulators, for instance for the ATV (Autonomous Transfer Vehicle) -project and for the ERA (European Robotic Arm). Most recently EuroSim was applied in development and verification of the European Space Agency's Herschel, Planck and Gaia satellites.

In case you are interested in further details on the features included in EuroSim, please send a message containing"Request for EuroSim-features" in the Subject to EuroSim Sales Support.

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