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Embedded Training Demonstrator


The objective of the Embedded Training Demonstrator was to proof the added value that Embedded Training can provide to fighter pilot training and show the technical readiness to realise such capability in an operational fighter aircraft. These objectives were achieved through the development and incorporation of a training capability into an operational F-16 fighter aircraft.


The Embedded Training Demonstrator was jointly developed by partners Airbus Defence and Space and the National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, with support from the Royal Neterlands Air Force. Ten evaluation sorties have been flown with the adapted aircraft, hosted by pilots from the Royal Netherlands Air Force, and with participation of pilots from the United States and United Kingdom.

Role of EuroSim

EuroSim served as the Development- and Run-Time environment for the Embedded Training Demonstrator project. In development it allowed complex models to be developed and integrated into a realtime simulator on powerfull servers. EuroSim's portability then took care of transfering this simulator to the target hardware. In the Run-time solution of the Embedded Demonstrator Program two EuroSim simulators were used:

  • On Board System: EuroSim supported the realtime execution of the models on-board the aircraft on an embedded Power-PC module. In addition, it supported the recording of scenario data in flights.

  • Debrief System: In the debriefing facilities EuroSim supported the replay of the recorded scenarios. The flexible recording, monitoring and stimuli facilities of EuroSim accelerated the integration & test process and enabled the quick derivation of the playback facilities from the on-board system.

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