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AOCS Test Equipment for XMM and INTEGRAL
 AOCS Test Equipment for XMM and INTEGRAL
Test Equipment for the XMM and INTEGRAL AOCS to be used at subsystem and system level. The XMM AOCS T/E and the INTEGRAL AOCS T/E are extensions of the TVE and are therefore built around the general-purpose simulation support tool ProSim. ProSim is a special-purpose extension of EuroSim.

The most important extension is the incorporation of a stimulation and monitoring equipment for electrical stimulation and monitoring of AOCS equipment electronics, thus enabling static bench closed loop testing of the AOCS in all stages of the development.

The XMM AOCS T/E has been used operationally during the XMM AOCS EM test and will be used further during FM testing.

The INTEGRAL AOCS T/E is in its final stage of realisation.

The ESA X-ray Multimirror Mission project, respectively the ESA INTErnational Gamma-RAy Laboratory spacecraft project. XMM and INTEGRAL are built as the first and second medium sized mission (M2) in ESA´s Horizon 2000 programme.
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