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The Model-Oriented Software Automatic Interface Converter (MOSAIC)

GGNCSim The Model-Oriented Software Automatic Interface Converter, referred to as MOSAIC, automates model transfer from MATLAB/Simulink to EuroSim (either generating native EuroSim interface files or SMP2 standard output). Using the Real-Time Workshop a Simulink model can be exported to C-code. MOSAIC treats the exported model as a black box and adds interfacing code to it (including EuroSim specific files). MOSAIC has been used by the European aerospace industry for more than a decade in a large number of projects. Procurement:

Status The current version of the tool is MOSAIC9 which supports MATLAB R2010b and EuroSim Mk5. (Note that NLR does not actively follow the EuroSim version upgrades, hence the last available Mosaic release is likely qualified for an old(er) EuroSim release then presently available. The available Mosaic version will likely still work for newer EuroSim release as the EuroSim native interface that it uses has been stable and unchanged for a number of years. Compliancy however may not be verified and hence can not be guaranteed. Please contact the National Aerospace Laboratory for further details.)

Procurement: Licenses are provided free of charge to companies in ESA member states. For non-member states MOSAIC is commercially available. Support/maintenance must be covered by a separate contract. Contact the National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR) via mosaic @nlr.nl.

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