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Galileo Monitoring and Uplink Control Facility AIVP
Galileo Satellite


The Galileo Monitoring and Uplink Control Facility (MUCF) is a part of the Galileo Ground Segment. Its purpose is to monitor the Galileo spacecraft and to uplink data to the spacecraft. The interfaces of the MUCF consist entirely of network interfaces (TCP and UDP). The MUCF Assembly Integration and Verification Platorm (MUCF-AIVP) allows the test team to send various messages in XML and ASN.1 format to the MUCF and receive and check the responses.


The MUCF-AIVP is one of the many test facilities employed to system test major components of the Galileo Ground Segment. It has been developed by Airbus Defence and Space Netherlands B.V. Another example of a Galileo test facility, also based on EuroSim is the Message Generation Facility AIVP.

Galileo MUCF Architecture

Role of EuroSim

The MUCF-AIVP is developed on top of EuroSim. EuroSim is used to reduce the development time to create a user-friendly test environment. EuroSim has been extended with an interface that allows running of native java models.

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