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ATV Test Facilities
ATV Spacecraft


The Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) Test Facilities are classified as belonging to one of the four families as listed below:
  • Functional Engineering Simulation (FES): These are all software, non real-time simulation facilities whose primary purpose is to support ATV (Automated Transfer Vehicle) design activities,
  • Software Validation Facility (SVF): These facilities include the ATV Fault Tolerant Computer (FTC) and are test systems including real-time simulators, used to validate the ATV on-board software in its target environment,
  • Assembly, Integration and Test (AIT): These facilities are used for the assembly, integration and test of the actual flight avionics hardware,
  • Functional Simulation Facility (FSF): These facilities include the real FTCs along with real ATV avionics equipment. These are real-time hardware-in-the-loop simulators used for overall qualification of the ATV flight segment.>
There will be a total of 7 installations over the 4 families. Further,one of those installations (FSF) will exist in 4 different configurations.


ATV is a spacecraft to be launched by Ariane V, to dock to the future International Space Station (ISS). Its purpose is to refuel the ISS station, to increase its altitude (reboost), to deliver payloads, and to take away the waste from the station on return to earth. The first ATV performed a succesfull docking on April 3rd, 2008. Several more flights are planned.

The ATV Test Facilities project undertaken for Aerospatiale and Matra Marconi Space (and after merger Astrium) is split between three project phases:
  • Phase 1: Covering the development of the components and subsystems, e.g. Simulator (based on EuroSim), MIL 1553 Front End Equipment and Special Front End Equipment
  • Phase 2: Covering the delivery, installation and integration of the components at the diferent Facilities at the customer´s premises
  • Phase 3: Covering the support of the system after acceptance

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