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EuroSim Scheduling
Creating a Schedule
To make a schedule, there are two main steps involved:
  • entrypoints from the source code are collected together into groups: tasks; within each task, the list of API entrypoints is executed sequentially;
  • execution of tasks wrt one another and synchronisation points, ie. the overal execution schedule, is specified using a graphical Schedule Editor.

Schedule 1

A task is a list of API entrypoints to be executed sequentially. The organisation of entrypoints into tasks is an important activity, in order to take advantage of the multi-processor environment.

A good selection optimises the potential for parallel execution of the model. Dependencies between tasks, such as data output/input, are expressed when building up the schedule. As an aid to scheduling, estimates for the duration of each task execution can be provided. These are then analysed during the schedule editing session to check for unfeasible schedules.

Other attributes which can be provided per task include processor allocation, preemptability and priority.

The schedule is divided into four sections, each representing one of the four simulation states: initialising, executing, standby and exit. This means that tasks can be triggered for execution in one or more of these states or the transition between the states.

Schedule 2

Schedule 3

The specification of the schedule is done by using a graphical editor, where the following components are available for use in addition to graphical representations of the tasks:
  • timer: generates triggers for task execution at a specified frequency; offsets can be introduced to offset pulses from this timer from those from other timers;
  • flow: allows completion of one task to be the signal to trigger another directly;
  • input connector: a signal coming from the non real-time domain which triggers a task; predefined input connnectors include simulator state change events (eg.-for each of the four scheduler states: STATE_ENTRY, STATE_EXIT) and real-time errors; user-defined input connectors can also be raised via mission action (MDL) scripts at runtime;
  • output connector: a flag raised by a completed task, which can be recognised and acted on in the non real-time domain; predefined output connectors include requests for state changes (eg. ABORT) and scheduler mode switches (rt/nrt); user-defined output connectors are also possible, and if given the name of a task, will cause that task to run outside the hard real-time domain (useful for eg. file input/output tasks);
  • mutex: specifies that tasks reading/writing to this 'store' are mutually exclusive ie. should never be executed simultaneously;
  • divider: decouples two (or more) dependent tasks which are executing at different frequencies; transforms input/output frequency eg. one writes at 100 Hz, the other reads at 10 Hz.
Execution of a Schedule
Examples are used to show how the scheduler handles the activation of user tasks according to mutices, dividers, dependencies, time requirements, and how the scheduler handles state transitions between different simulation states.

Dependencies, Mutices and Dividers
Dependencies, mutices and dividers are used to define a sequence of tasks. Consider the following schedule:

Schedule 4

With this schedule it is defined that task A and D must be activated each 5 ms, task B must be activated each 10 ms, and task C must be activated each 20 ms. The maximum frequency on which the scheduler can activate tasks is 200 Hz (default) for each of the simulation states. This means that the 'real-time' is split up in time slots of 5 ms.

For the example as shown in the following diagram, the scheduler will activate tasks A and D in slot 1,2,3,..., task B in slot 2,4,6,..., and task C in slot 4,8,12,...

Schedule 5

In the current example, the sequence of tasks within a particular slot is not defined. To define the sequence between tasks within the slots, dependencies (between tasks with the same frequency) and dividers (for tasks with different frequencies) should be used. In the next example, the sequence of tasks within the timeslots is defined using dependencies and two dividers.

Schedule 6

Note that the frequency of task D is still 200Hz, the frequency of task B is still 100Hz and that of task C still 50Hz. These frequencies are now defined in the output frequency of the divider. With the dividers pictured above, the timeslots and sequences of tasks within the slots, will now become:

Schedule 7

In the previous example, dividers were used to define the sequences of tasks. With such a defined linear sequence, it is implicit that tasks do not run simultaneously. An alternative way to ensure that tasks are not executing simultaneously but without explicitly defining a sequence is to use mutices.

Tasks that read or write from the same mutex will never be executed by the scheduler simultaneously. Consider a schedule which is to contain a 'printing' task that prints the contents of a linked list at 50 Hz, and an 'updating' task that changes the contents of the list at 200 Hz. It is obvious that the updating task may not run simultaneously with the printing task. Use of a mutex between the two tasks solves this problem.

Schedule 8

State Transitions
A state transition can only occur at a main cycle boundary. A main cycle has a period equal to the least common multiple (LCM) of the periodic tasks computed over all states of the simulator in the schedule. In the current implementation, the main cycle is taken as the LCM of the periods of all periodic tasks (over all states), instead of the LCM of the periods of active tasks in the current running state. This, for reasons of simplicity, is still correct, although it may make the main cycle somewhat larger than strictly necessary.

In the previous example there was a main cycle 'AD:ADB:AD:ADBC' of 20 ms duration. This means that state transitions can only occur at each '4 slots' boundary. For this reason the scheduler will delay the user's state transition request until the end of slot 4, 8, 12, ... etc.

Schedule 9

If in the period between the request and the transition more state requests are given, these requests are buffered by the scheduler (up to 32) and applied on a FIFO basis at the next main cycle boundaries, with one being executed at a time.

Offsets are used to 'delay' tasks to following time slots. Consider the following schedule:

Schedule 10

The 10 ms offset of task B will delay all activations of task B by two slots:

Schedule 11

When offsets are used, state transitions will still be on the main cycle boundaries. This means that task B must still be activated (according to the current excuting schedule), in the first two slots of the new state. This guarantees that the number of activations for each tasks are always the same, ie. a functional model will always complete leaving the system in a deterministic state.

Schedule 12

Note that no synchronisation whatsoever is performed between the schedules in the 'old' and 'new' state: this is omitted under the assumption that there is only one nontrivial EuroSim state (state Executing), and that any other state is to perform simple procedures, such as initialisation or keeping hardware alive. Supporting state synchronisation would unnecessarily add to the complexity of the scheduler. The user must however be aware of a possible overlap in execution of the schedules of two states 'just after' a state transition when offsets are used.

An exception to the state transitions occurring at fixed points is made for the transition to Unconfigured which is triggered by an Abort request. An abort transition does not wait until the main cycle boundary, but is directly done by the scheduler. This means that all tasks, including tasks with an offset, are directly stopped.

Extremely large offsets (offsets larger than the main cycle) will increase the overlap period between two states. When offsets larger than the main cycle are used; and new state transitions are requested by the user during the overlap period, the request will be delayed until the first main cycle boundary after the overlapping period.
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